It’s the little things, Camino
![[Camino with location toolbar hidden, displaying drop-down location bar sheet]](
The Little Browser that Yes-We-Cans
It’s the little things that make me want Camino to succeed. There’s an attention to detail that even the Safari team can’t match sometimes. This is my new favourite: when you’re browsing with no location toolbar, just type ⌘ + L and you get a location bar drop-down sheet that disappears when you type into it and hit Return. (By contrast, Safari’s behaviour under the same conditions is that ⌘ + L knocks you out of hidden location toolbar mode, so if you want things the way they were you need to re-hide that toolbar once Safari has fetched the new page.) With Camino, the main things that you can do with the location toolbar you can do with keyboard commands and nice touches like this one. It’s the minimalist’s browser. F.y.i., I’m using version 2.0b3.