Straight to the pool room

July 20, 2012 / Lots of new additions, changes, comments and possibilities for lovers of Aussie movies.

Vaughn and Lena in Beneath Clouds (2002)

The best Aussie films list is about to turn 6. I’ve updated it to include a total of 68 titles, and another 58 contenders. That’s 68 recommended films since 1991 so far—over three good Australian movies every year. And that doesn’t include the ones I haven’t reviewed for the list yet.

This is easily the most popular thing I’ve written, and probably counts for about 80% of the traffic to my site in the past year (the page gets roughly 2,600 hits a month). Since so many people are interested in Australian movies, many of whom had left comments and suggestions, the least that I could do is sit on my couch and watch some flicks.

So that’s what I’ve been doing. I also combed through the comments, adding suggestions that people had made over many months (and explained why I had to reject a few of them). You may not like them all, but I think they are all worth your time. That’s the main thing I consider when deciding whether to move one from Contenders to the list proper: is this film worth 90–120 minutes of someone’s time? If the answer is yes, then up they go.

Check out the best Australian films since 1991 when you have a moment, and enjoy!

† The top countries visiting this site are, in order: USA, Australia, UK, Canada, India, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, France, Sweden, Philippines, Spain, Denmark, Brazil, Japan, Malaysia and Belgium.

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