Element sarcasm undefined

November 14, 2008 / Always view source. Always.

Some say that after 47 minutes of struggling with an unruly CSS layout you should get a cup of coffee and then give up and use tables. Here’s the pitch, straight from the source:

You know, we've all been there. We want to make it work with CSS.
But sometimes it's just not worth the effort. The hacks and
conditional comments ruin our clean markup. And we spend hours
trying to make a simple layout work. Occasionally, we have to
remind ourselves that we've done enough and it's time to move on.
<br />
<br />
If you're wasting time fighting with CSS -- and we know you are --
we've got just the tool you need. Download the <font
style="color:#ff3333;font-weight:bold;">Give Up and Use
Tables</font> timer. We've scientifically determined the
maximum amount of time that you should need to make a layout work in
CSS: it's 47 minutes. When your time is up, we'll even give you the
table code you need. Take three minutes to build a table. And ten
minutes to get a donut. Bill the client for an hour. Done.

That’s “awesome.”

† Via Lydia.

4 responses

  1. lyds

    wait, they were being sarcastic?

    November 14th, 2008 at 11:55 pm #

  2. Adrian Cooke

    Yes, I’m going with gentle sarcasm. It’s a bit of an assumption though, since HTML is not that specific ;)

    November 15th, 2008 at 12:42 am #

  3. Dan Todd

    CSS3 handles this with sarcasm-type: light|normal|heavy; Alternatively you can use sarcasm-type: lighter|heavier;

    December 5th, 2008 at 7:09 am #

  4. Adrian Cooke

    Love it, yeah, good on ya. And it touches on an interesting point: shouldn’t the element be “irony” where the attribute “type” can be set to “sarcasm”? More semantic and more hooks for our CSS :)

    December 5th, 2008 at 2:06 pm #

Zero to One-Eighty contains writing on design, opinion, stories and technology.